Friday, July 03, 2009

Im talking nonsense

Nothing right now I can write right now will make sense

All I can think of right now is purpose
and how fate ... can really like ... you know ... mess up what things we can think we can be
the problem of thinking too much ... is to think of an excuse to everything that you have
like for instance the current situation of what things are right now
There will always be a proper explanation for everything ... something rational and can be understood

But then again, there will always be something that will just simply boggle your mind a little bit

Like all the what ifs that we had in our lives
the buses we missed
the chances that we tool
the views that we overlooked
the jokes we did not spread
the one liners that were not delivered
the kiss that was supposed to be ... not
and the choices that ruined lives ...

"ruined" is a strong word ... maybe "changed" ... will be a better one

I will be pointless, I want to be ... its my right ... its my obligation to myself in order for me not to go insane ... I am what I am right now, not blaming anybody or anything else ... I think Im supposed to be like this.

Maybe destiny is true maybe not, its still a debate that will go on till eternity ...

But I know on one word that that totally makes sense ... its faith ... Believing ... having faith that ... nothing is certain ... having faith that no matter what ... you will never know ...

But still breathe in the morning ...
Be able to enjoy your eggs in the morning ...
Have a laugh with friends ...
Being logical on every step you take ...

Enjoy the sunset ... especially the sunset ...

Believe that ...

Believing is what you lived for ... yourself ...